The cabin air filter: What are its functions?

August 15 2022

The cabin air filter: What are its functions?

Several filters are found in your car, such as the oil filter and the engine air filter, which are well known, but the cabin air filter should not be forgotten during maintenance. Appearing in the early 2000s, the cabin filter is found under the hood, behind the glove compartment and a hatch is specially designed to facilitate its access.

What is it used for

Sometimes it is called a pollen filter since its main function is to filter the air coming from outside to remove allergens and contaminants that would otherwise enter inside, in order to ensure good quality of air. on board the vehicle. A filter in good condition contributes to the well-being of the driver, as well as the passengers. If you suffer from allergies, it is essential to check it and replace it at the right frequency to ensure that it performs its role optimally.

When to replace it 

Your driving habits and road conditions have a big impact on the life of the cabin filter. For example, the more you drive on dusty roads where pollution is present, the shorter the life of your filter will be as it will become clogged. This is why we advise you to check it at each interview. 

The consequences of a bad air filter 

When the filter becomes too clogged, there is a risk of complete clogging. This could in particular affect the vehicle's ventilation system, which means that you may have difficulty demisting the windshield, heating the passenger compartment and eliminating bad odors. 

If you don't know how to check its condition or how to replace it, make an appointment with one of our technicians at Hyundai Ile-Perrot. They will be able to guide you and ensure optimal air quality in your vehicle.